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InstallSHIELD Software Coporation (c) 1990-19972 SRCDIR SRCDISK TARGETDISK TARGETDIR WINDIR WINDISK WINSYSDIR WINSYSDISK ERRORFILENAME INFOFILENAME SUPPORTDIR CMDLINE ISVERSION SHARED UNINST ISRES ISUSER FOLDER_DESKTOP FOLDER_STARTMENU FOLDER_STARTUP PROGRAMFILES COMMONFILES MEDIA FOLDER_PROGRAMS SHELL_OBJECT_FOLDERy LAST_RESULT CMDVALUE HINST_INSTALL BATCH_INSTALL LOGHANDLE _sdRECT right bottom _sdSIZE ISOSVERSIONINFO ISIOSVersionInfoSize ISIMajorVersion ISIMinorVersion ISIBuildNumber ISIPlatformId szISCSDVersion WINRECTSTRUCT origX origY UTILITY CheckIfFileLocked KERNEL32 GetVersionEx SelectObject GetTextExtentPoint EnableWindow GetClassName GetDC GetDlgItem GetFocus GetWindowLong GetWindowRect GetWindowWord IsIconic IsWindow IsWindowEnabled MoveWindow USER ReleaseDC SetFocus SetWindowText ShowWindow LoadString KERNEL GetModuleHandle GetClientRect SetWindowPos PostMessage ShowCursor SystemParametersInfo INSTVTD VTDisplayAddInfo INSTVTD VTDisplayLangLice INSTVTD VTDllShowInfo INSTVTD VTInvokePgm INSTVTD VTIsSameLanguage INSTVTD VTQueryMigrateVTC INSTVTD VTQueryMigrateVTD INSTVTD VTSelectOptions INSTVTD VTTestSound INSTVTD VTTestSystem INSTVTD VTWPInstall INSTVTD VTWPOnSystem INSTVTD VTIsSystemLangEnglish INSTVTD VTGetSystemDefaultLangID INSTVTD VTCopyDir UIDUTILS get_user_name SETNOTE SRAddNewEngineUserEx SETNOTE SRSetDefaultUser VTCOMMON CreateNewEnrollment VTCOMMON OpenDatabaseSession VTCOMMON CloseDatabaseSessiont MIGUTILS migrat_dict_macros ADVAPI32 GetUserNameA KERNEL GetDiskFreeSpace USER32 OemToChar Starting Installation of Runtimes!! En_UKa ja_jp! En_UKa zh_cn! En_UKa zh_tw! En_UKa ko_kr! Software\IBM\ViaVoice Installation Installation was not successfully completed. Installation was not successfully completed because operating system requirements were not met by this system. Sevice Pack 3 or lower installed - Abort.( Setup detected that the system does not have the minimum Service Pack requirements. Please install Service Pack 4 or higher.A Installation was not successfully completed because operating system requirements were not met by this system. Sevice Pack 4 or higher installed - Ok Main: Setting uninstall visisble name to ...b4 Main: Before Installation Info.F IBM ViaVoice Dictation Runtimea 7.0a- engine.exe;smart.exe;enroll.exe;vtperdic.exe; Main: Installation Info Finished. SOFTWARE\IBM\a IBM ViaVoice Dictation Runtime default_user_not_found IBM ViaVoice - UK English (UnknownLang) 0.10$ Deletea ProdRunDictate! ERROR_NOTHING_FOUND ERROR_NOTHING_FOUND/ IBM ViaVoice Dictation Runtime! IBM ViaVoice Dictation RuntimeA Uninstall %sb4 ProdRunDictatea En_UK$ .shared$ .winsys$ .selfreg IBMSpeech.ref! DateCheck_Vocab_OldA DateCheck_Vocab_NewA Main: Install of product = a ProdRunDictate Main: Product Version = bJ Main: Installation Language = a En_UK Main: Full product identification =bV Main: Command Line Called with = b Main: User name returned by system =b9 \Program Files\ViaVoice\ Setupa Installation of %s on a Windows NT requires administrator privilege. Please logon as a user with administrator privilege to install %s.a IBM ViaVoice Dictation Runtimea IBM ViaVoice Dictation Runtime Installation of %s on a Windows NT requires administrator privilege. Please logon as a user with administrator privilege to install %s.a IBM ViaVoice Dictation Runtime Installaiton was not successfully completed because user lacked administrative privilages on this system. Main: DISPLAY_WELCOME_DLG dialog Starting BackupUsersToTildaDirs! Finished BackupUsersToTildaDirs! Starting UpgradeProducts2! Finishing UpgradeProducts2!# Main: Files except enrollid.eid under newuser directory will be deleted.% vocabs\langs\% En_UK% \newuser enrollid.bmc enrollid.bpc enrollid.bvc enrollid.i1c enrollid.i2c enrollid.i3c enrollid.lcc enrollid.m1c enrollid.m2c enrollid.m3c enrollid.m4c enrollid.p1c enrollid.p2c enrollid.p3c enrollid.mnr enrollid.bmi enrollid.bpi enrollid.bvi enrollid.i1i enrollid.i2i enrollid.i3i enrollid.lci enrollid.m1i enrollid.m2i enrollid.m3i enrollid.m4i enrollid.p1i enrollid.p2i enrollid.p3i SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLs% enrollid.bmcf enrollid.bpcf enrollid.bvcf enrollid.i1cf enrollid.i2cf enrollid.i3cf enrollid.lccf enrollid.m1cf enrollid.m2cf enrollid.m3cf enrollid.m4cf enrollid.p1cf enrollid.p2cf enrollid.p3cf enrollid.mnrf Main: DISPLAY_USERINFO_DLG dialog User Informationa Please type your name below.a Name:R9 Main: DISPLAY_DIRECTORY_DLG dialog( Installation was not completed successfully due to bad arguments. Main: No directory found in command Main: Directoy (bb ) found in command line Main: Install target dir dialog yields =b3 User selected an invalid installation directory... reset to b3 User selected a valid installation directory... b3 Main: DISPLAY_MODELS_DLG dialog Main: DISPLAY_VERIFY_DLG dialog Setup has enough information to start copying %P files. If you want to review or change any settings, click Back. aJ If you are satisfied with the settings, click Next to begin copying files. Main: Set uninstall keys (will be removed later if in we are running quite mode). SOFTWARE\IBMVoiceType\Install\Generala InstallOK RtDict_%LL%.isu En_UKR] Main: Before Deinstall Start... E After deinstall start... $ IBM ViaVoice Dictation Runtimea Main: Setting uninstall visisble name to ...b4 Recording application uninstall information... G Main: Set app paths in registry bin\engine.exeG bin\smart.exeG bin\vtperdic.exeG bin\Dme.exeG bin\userwiz.exeG bin\Enroll.exeG Installation error before files could be copied.A About to start moving Files! Finished moving Files! Installation error after files were transferred.A Main: File transfers complete ... LOCKED FILES encountered., Main: File transfers complete ... no locked files encountered. Updating the Windows system registry ... About to Create Registry Entries! Finished Creating Registry Entries! Main: Registry entries created ... 92 % complete( ~users70 Main: a ~users70$ found. Rename and continue ... users_old? usersa users_oldx ~users70a users Migrating users' data files ... Main: Calling VTPerformMigration2 ... Starting VTPerformMigration2! Finishing VTPerformMigration2! Main: Migration (2) of old users done ... 95 % complete Creating a default user ...# User name from Panels to be used as default user. ::: b Command line user to be used as default user. ::: b Langs Install General to be used as default user. ::: b& Engine defaults to be used as default user. ::: b" FoundLang Install Usr to be used as default user. ::: b$ Machine owner to be used as default user. ::: b Windows login to be used as default user. ::: b! ERROR_NOTHING_FOUND ERROR_NOTHING_FOUND ERROR_NOTHING_FOUND ERROR_NOTHING_FOUND( Main: User ID b( found for $ users Main: User ID b( found for as user of language $ En_UK ERROR_NOTHING_FOUND( ERROR_NOTHING_FOUND( ERROR_NOTHING_FOUND( users% Main: User ID b( used and is going to be new default Main: User ID b( was not a user of the language installing so they will be created Main: User with name did not exist so they are being created Main: User created ... 96 % complete Main: before audmig call ... Before Audmig call! After Audmig call! Main: after audmig call ... Logging files for uninstall ... Main: calling VTEnableRegistrationAfterReboot ... uninstall% uninstall% Main: Logging files for uninstall ... 97 % complete" Installing Microsoft Speech API (SAPI) 4.0 ...% spchapi.exe /Q /R:N Main: Installed MS SAPI 4.0a ... 98 % complete Main: about to install dcom under WinSystem = b4 Installing DCOM95....% dcom95.exe /Q /R:N Installing DCOM98....% dcom98.exe /Q /R:N SOFTWARE\a VoiceType$ Audio$ \Devices\StdMicJackQ EnrollSamplingRateA Mike Sampling Rate bY Set in the registry per command line. SOFTWARE\a VoiceType$ Audio$ \Devices\StdLineInJackQ EnrollSamplingRateA LineIn Sampling Rate bZ Set in the registry per command line. Installation complete. ~users70 ~users70? users_old users_old? VTLogInstallProductEntry IBM ViaVoice Dictation Runtimea En_UKb, Removing the Add/Remove Programs Entry... for language specific DisplayName SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\UninstallbP DisplayName$ SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\a IBM ViaVoice Dictation Runtime$ En_UKf DisplayName Installation requires a reboot before installation is completed., Installation was successful. Ending Installation of Runtimes+ ProcessBeforeDataMove: begin Win Version Filesa \*.*t Win Versionb DateCheck Filesa \*.*t DateCheckb VersionCheck Filesa \*.*t VersionCheckb Version SelfReg File Linksa \*.*t VersionCheckb WinSys Version Filesa \*.*t Winsys Versionb HandleComponentError: begin( ComponentError returned the following data transfer error. Setup will now abort.$ Media Name : b Component : b File Group : b File : b Error Number: b ComponentError returned the following data transfer error. Setup will now abort. Media Name: %s Component: %s File Group: %s File: %s Error Number: %ld Data Transfer Error Informationb Copying Base program files ... HandleMoveDataError: begin ERROR_MOVEDATAR ERROR_COMPONENTR ERROR_FILEGROUPR ERROR_FILER TITLE_CAPTIONBARR PRODUCT_KEYR VTSetupScreen: begin! Arial IBM ViaVoice Dictation RuntimeB SetupA VTInitSetup: begin vun%LL%.exe _%LL% Program Files SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion RegisteredOwner2 advapi32.dll! advapi32.dll InstVtd.Dll VTInitSetup: System language is ENGLISH, VTInitSetup: System language is not ENGLISH IBM ViaVoice Dictation Runtime VTCheckRequiremenets: begin Installation was not successfully completed because operating system requirements were not met by this system./ InstVtd.Dll En_UK! Installation was not completed successfully because older speech applications from a different language are installed.! VTConstructionInfoList: begin( Default Directory (Invalid Drive Specified)a Target Directorya b3 User Namea b VTCreateRegDBEntries: begin ... ProdRunDictate$ ProdRunDictatea ProdRunDictatea Folder$ ProdRunDictatea En_UK Software\a VoiceTypeP .Default\Software\a VoiceTypeP SOFTWARE\a VoiceType$ InstallP SOFTWARE\a VoiceType$ Install$ LanguagesP UsageCtr2 UsageCtrA UsageCtrA InstallUserA SOFTWARE\a VoiceType$ Install$ VersionP Release2 ReleaseA ReleaseA SOFTWARE\a VoiceType$ Install$ DirectoriesP BaseA SOFTWARE\a VoiceType$ Install$ CountersP ProductCtr2 ProductCtrA ProductCtrA SOFTWARE\a VoiceType$ EngineP SOFTWARE\a VoiceType$ Engine$ DirectoriesP VocabsQ VocabsA UsersA TempQ TempA TempQ TrainA BaseA Vocabs\Langs\%L\pools! DataPath2 DataPathA SOFTWARE\a VoiceType$ Engine$ VersionP Release2 ReleaseA ReleaseA SOFTWARE\a VoiceType$ Engine$ LanguagesP SOFTWARE\a VoiceType$ Engine$ Languages$ UsageCtr2 UsageCtrA UsageCtrA SOFTWARE\a VoiceType$ Engine$ GeneralP VTCreateRegDBEntries: mic setup ... SOFTWARE\a VoiceType$ Audio$ GeneralP FirstTimeAudioAdjustA FirstTimeA HwAvailA HwInstA InputCardA InputDeviceTypeA MicOrLineA MicPrototypesA MicTypeA MwaveGainA 32767A OrderAdapterA OutputCardA PlayLevelA 16383A RecordLevelA 65535A ShowAudioDialogA SpeechDelayA SysMasterRecGainA SysMicRecGainA SysValidA VTMicRecGainA OEMIdA DirectoriesP DataA TempQ TempA VersionP Release2 ReleaseA ReleaseA VTCreateRegDBEntries: nav entries ... SOFTWARE\a VoiceType$ ControlP UsageCtr2 UsageCtrA UsageCtrA DirectoriesP BaseA Vocabs\Langs\%L\MapQ Vocabs\Langs\%L\SpeechBarQ DataA HelpQ HelpA Vocabs\Langs\%L\TopicsQ TopicsA VersionP Release2 ReleaseA ReleaseA Languages$ UsageCtr2 UsageCtrA UsageCtrA GeneralP SOFTWARE\a VoiceType$ Dictation$ CorrectionP SOFTWARE\a VoiceType$ Engine$ Languages$ NavDataA NavDataCtr2 NavDataCtrA NavDataCtrA VTCreateRegDBEntries: dict entries ... SOFTWARE\a VoiceType$ DictationP UsageCtr2 UsageCtrA UsageCtrA SOFTWARE\a VoiceType$ Dictation$ DirectoriesP Vocabs\Langs\%L\MacrosQ MacrosA HelpQ HelpA BaseA SOFTWARE\a VoiceType$ Dictation$ VersionP Release2 ReleaseA ReleaseA SOFTWARE\a VoiceType$ Dictation$ LanguagesP SOFTWARE\a VoiceType$ Dictation$ Languages$ UsageCtr2 UsageCtrA UsageCtrA SOFTWARE\a VoiceType$ Engine$ Languages$ DictDataA DictDataCtr2 DictDataCtrA DictDataCtrA ContDictDataA ContDictDataCtr2 ContDictDataCtrA ContDictDataCtrA SOFTWARE\a VoiceType$ Dictation$ GeneralP AppEvents\Schemes\Apps\ViaVoice VTCreateRegDBEntries: deferred correction entries ... VTCreateRegDBEntries: help entries ...$ SOFTWARE\a VoiceType$ HelpP UsageCtr2 UsageCtrA UsageCtrA SOFTWARE\a VoiceType$ Help$ VersionP Release2 ReleaseA ReleaseA SOFTWARE\a VoiceType$ Help$ LanguagesP SOFTWARE\a VoiceType$ Help$ Languages$ UsageCtr2 UsageCtrA UsageCtrA Desktop Voice Navigation! SOFTWARE\a VoiceType$ Control$ Directories% HelpQ HelpA Enrolment! VTCreateRegDBEntries: enroll entries ... SOFTWARE\a VoiceType$ EnrollP UsageCtr2 UsageCtrA UsageCtrA SOFTWARE\a VoiceType$ Enroll$ VersionP Release2 ReleaseA ReleaseA SOFTWARE\a VoiceType$ Enroll$ LanguagesP SOFTWARE\a VoiceType$ Enroll$ Languages$ UsageCtr2 UsageCtrA UsageCtrA SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bP UninstallString2 Dc % En_UK$ IBM ViaVoice Dictation Runtime$ En_UK$ IBM ViaVoice Dictation Runtime$ UninstallStringA Removing the Add/Remove Programs Entry... by removing key DisplayName$ DisplayString VTCreateRegDBEntries: aud mig entries ... VTCreateRegDBEntries: batch self-registration ...T VTCreateRegDBEntries: self-registration batch process error return code. Files failed to register., VTCreateRegDBEntries: self-registration batch process compeleted successfully. SOFTWARE\a VoiceType$ Install$ Languages$ En_UKQ DefaultUseridA DefaultEnrollidA DefaultTaskidA DefaultUserNameA Function: VTSetupFinish% InstVtd.Dll SOFTWARE\a VoiceType$ Installf RebootNeeded Begin%LL%.cnt Function VTSetupFinish : after VTMakeLangDepend Desktop Voice Navigation! vocabs\langs\% En_UK% _program.exp$ Function VTSetupFinish : Deleting _program.exp from b Function VTSetupFinish : Starting loop *.lnkR speechbar( Function VTSetupFinish : In loop, Function VTSetupFinish : Showing SdFinish Setup has finished installing %P on your system. Click Finish to exit Setup. Function VTSetupFinish : g_nvEnableUserWizard = TRUE# SOFTWAREa VoiceType$ UserWizard -K bR -P $ -L $ En_UK% userwiz.exe$ Function VTSetupFinish : Launching b with CMDLINE $ SOFTWARE\a VoiceType$ Install$ General InstallOKA I feel goodA VTSetupFinish: A reboot is required because ...( VTSetupFinish: ... locked files were encountered during the file transfer process. VTSetupFinish: ... some self-registering files were unable to self-register (locked files were downlevel). VTSetupFinish: Reboot not disabled so invoking reboot dialog box (automatically calls CommitSharedFiles)( Setup is complete. To allow for proper operation of %s, you should restart your system at this time. IBM ViaVoice Dictation Runtime, Setup is complete. To allow for proper operation of %s, you should: 1. Restart your system 2. After your system restarts, start VoiceCentre (click Start -> Programs -> %s -> VoiceCentre) IBM ViaVoice Dictation Runtimeb, Restart Windowsb Should show the FinishReboot Dialog VTSetupFinish: Reboot disabled by INI file flag. Setting reboot flag in registry for later query and removal.O VTSetupFinish: Error, CommitSharedFiles function return code < 0, VTSetupFinish: CommitSharedFiles function completed successfully. SOFTWARE\a VoiceType$ Install RebootNeededA users \Vocabs\Langs\% En_UK% \tasks@ cs*.tidR nav*.tidR grammar.tidR VTCreateUser: found taskId =b /CREATEUSER a En_UK$ VTCreateUser: adding run once entry=b setnote.cpl VTCreateUser: calling SRAddNewEngineUserEx with:$ VTCreateUser: szUserName =b VTCreateUser: enroll description =a First Enrolment VTCreateUser: curr lang =a En_UK VTCreateUser: task id =b VTCreateUser: device type =b First Enrolmenta En_UKb VTCreateUser: SRAddNewEngineUserEx returned with rc=b and userid=$ SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon Shell2 Setup detected an additional Winlogon shell extension: %s. Due to install software limitations Setup will Exit when you click on OK ... Please see the Read Me - Shell Extension Conflict section before installing %s again. Setupb IBM ViaVoice Dictation Runtime/ SOFTWARE\a VoiceType$ Install$ GeneralR MigrationInProcess2 MigratedProduct2 DefaultUserid2 DefaultEnrollid2 DefaultTaskid2 DefaultUserName2 A previous upgrade to %s was terminated prematurely. Setup will back up and migrate your personal speech data. Setupb IBM ViaVoice Dictation Runtime En_UKA %LL%b %LL_LL%a En_UK SOFTWARE\a VoiceType$ UserWizardP SOFTWARE\a VoiceType$ UserWizard$ En_UKP AppToLaunchPath2 AppToLaunchPathA Start the &VoiceCentreR AppToLaunchTitle2 AppToLaunchTitleA AppToLaunchParms2 AppToLaunchParmsA AppToLaunchDir2 AppToLaunchDirA PagesToDisplay2 PagesToDisplayA UserNameA ViaVoice User WizardQ WizardTitleA qtour%LL%.avi HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE( HKEY_USERS( HKEY_CURRENT_USER( HKEY_CURRENT_USER( En_UK# ProdRunDictatea En_UK$ .log( uninstall Open File Errora* Error opening privately shared file log %sb RefCountedProducts' PrivatelyShared7 Close File Errora* Error closing privately shared file log %sb uninstall SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Help \ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789_ The specified directory: is invalid. Please use only A-Z, a-z, 0-9, blank or underscore to specify a directory.* SdAskDestPath! ResultA szDirA The specified path length of %d exceeds the maximum allowed length of %d. Please shorten the path to allow Setup to complete successfully.B SdAskDestPath! szDirA ResultA /\<>:*?"|/ The specified folder: is invalid. Please do not use any of the special characters /\<>:*?"| to specify a folder name.* SdSelectFolder! ResultA szFolderA SdSelectFolder! szFolderA ResultA help( help, vocab( vocab, winsys common.shr common_%LL%.shr [CommonFiles]A uninstall% SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLs CoreComp! engine.dflR VTCapturePreviousDefaults: defaults file (engine.dfl) found. Extracting settings ... engine.dfla Default_UseridR VTCapturePreviousDefaults: default userid=bC engine.dfla Default_EnrollidR VTCapturePreviousDefaults: default enrollid=bE engine.dfla Default_TaskidR VTCapturePreviousDefaults: default taskid=bF VTCapturePreviousDefaults: no defaults file (engine.dfl) found. Checking registry ... SOFTWARE\IBM\ViaVoice\DefaultsR Default_User2 VTCapturePreviousDefaults: default userid=bC Default_EnrollidR VTCapturePreviousDefaults: default enrollid=bE Default_TaskidR VTCapturePreviousDefaults: default taskid=bF NameR VTCapturePreviousDefaults: default username (before trans)=b VTCapturePreviousDefaults: default username (after trans)=bD VTCapturePreviousDefaults: default username (no trans)=bD SOFTWARE\a VoiceType$ Install$ General DefaultUseridA DefaultEnrollidA DefaultTaskidA DefaultUserNameA VTCreateNewEnrollment: szUserId=b g_szDefaultUserId=$ /CREATEENROLLMENT save a En_UK$ /CREATEENROLLMENT nosave a En_UK$ VTCreateNewEnrollment: adding run once entry=b vtcommon.dll testm CreateNewEnrollment: Sampling Rate =bY First Enrolmenta En_UKB VTCreateNewEnrollment: enrollment = b for userid = $ VTCreateNewEnrollment: userid b was the default user ... saving this enrollid $ as its default enrollid VTCreateNewEnrollment: call failed SOFTWARE\a VoiceType$ Installf AudMigNeeded( audmig.exe$ En_UK VTInvokeAudioMigration: adding run once entry=b audmig.exe$ En_UK VTSetDefaultUser: szUserId=b and szEnrollid=$ users \Vocabs\Langs\% En_UK% \tasks@ cs*.tidR nav*.tidR grammar.tidR /SETDEFAULTUSER a En_UK$ VTSetDefaultUser: adding run once entry=b setnote.cpl engine.exe Desktop Voice Navigation! Desktop Voice Navigation$ Dictation! Dictation$ Enrolment! Enrolment$ Help! Function VTLogInstallProductEntry: szTemp = b temp) history.logR temp$ history.log, history.log ++ a | $ | $ | $ | $ | $ | $ /REG $ VTEnableRegistrationAfterReboot: registration added for b corecomp! winsys! SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLsd corecomp.ini Win32 VTEnableSharedDllsFixup: mis ref counted corecomp deleted OK=b VTEnableSharedDllsFixup: error corecomp not deleted=b VTCreateRunOnceEntry: Added::::b HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceb SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce! VTPurgePreviousRunOnceEntries: purged entry=b ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 '_.-()a6 SdShowDlgEdit1! ResultA szEdit1A The specified name: is invalid. Please use only alphabetic, numeric or any of the special characters, " _ ' . - ( )", to specify a name.* SdShowEdit1! szEdit1A ResultA VTRegisterDeferredCorrection: begin VTLogSystemInfo: begin Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersionR Version2 VTLogSystemInfo: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion, Version is b ProductName2 VTLogSystemInfo: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion, ProductName is b VersionNumber2 VTLogSystemInfo: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion, VersionNumber is b VTLogSystemInfo: BASEMEMORY is b VTLogSystemInfo: EXTENDEDMEMORY is b VTLogSystemInfo: CDROM drive b PENTIUM, UNKNOWN, OTHER VTLogSystemInfo: CPU is b VTLogSystemInfo: COLORS is b VTLogSystemInfo: LANGUAGE is b VTLogSystemInfo: DISPLAY RESOLUTION is b by $ users% VTPreserveUsers: Directory b copied to $ return code=$ temp% engine.dfla engine.dfl! VTPreserveUsers: engine.dfl copied from b to $ return code=$ VTAbort: aborted... Begining Abort! ErrorString2 IBM ViaVoice Dictation Runtimea ErrorCodeA ErrorStringA \SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS\CURRENTVERSION\SHAREDDLLS\b setnote.cpl( VTIdentifyProducts: begin En_UK! Software\IBM\VoiceType\Install \Languagesd VTIdentifyProducts2: Found language b language installing as is on the machine. \Languages\$ ProdRunDictateR ProdRunDictate2 VTIdentifyProducts2: Found Product a ProdRunDictate% for language % on the machine. VTIdentifyProducts2: Different language installing as is on the machine. VTIdentifyProducts2: Same language installing as is on the machine. VTIdentifyProducts2: Migration of files will not be required... the installed voice product is already up to date., VTIdentifyProducts2: Installing a newer version of the product than is on the machine. VTIdentifyProducts2: Covered in above case and never run... Migration of files will not be required... the installed voice product is already up to date., VTIdentifyProducts2: migrating from 5.0 runtime! VTIdentifyProducts2: migrating from 4.0 runtime! VTIdentifyProducts2: migrating from 3.0 runtime! VTIdentifyProducts2: Installing an older version of the product than is on the machine. InstallUser2 DirectoriesR Base2 VTUpgradeProducts2: begin... Target DIrectory is b VTUpgradeProducts2: Thou shalt not overwrite a later version./ VTUpgradeProducts2: already called so leaving.../ users UpgradeProducts2: Users directory not populated by becuase 3.0 product installed. ~users41 UpgradeProducts2: Users directory populated by b ~users52 UpgradeProducts2: Users directory populated by b ~users70 UpgradeProducts2: Users directory populated by b ~users70 ~users70 UpgradeProducts2: Users directory populated by b ~users52 ~users52 UpgradeProducts2: Users directory populated by b ~users41 ~users41 UpgradeProducts2: Users directory populated by b ~users30 UpgradeProducts2: Users directory not populated becuase we only found a backup of versoin 3.0 around. users SOFTWARE\a VoiceType$ Install$ Directories BaseA SOFTWARE\a VoiceType$ Install$ General MigrationInProcessA MigratedProductA BackupUsersToTildaDirs: begin... at BackUpUsersToTildaDirs! BackupUsersToTildaDirs: Thou shalt not overwrite a later version./ InstVtd.Dll EngineClassa IBM Speech Engine is Running Setup detected that the IBM Speech Engine is running. Please close all Speech applications, and then press Continue. NONE_OR_LATER_VERSION BackupUsersToTildaDirs: Product installed using version to backup users directory ~users30! ~users41! ~users52! ~users70! NONE_OR_LATER_VERSION BackupUsersToTildaDirs: backup dir will be b BackupUsersToTildaDirs: No product is around... we need to play games to figure out what to backup... ! BackupUsersToTildaDirs: Quiet mode and no product is around... look through command line first. BackupUsersToTildaDirs: Quiet mode and no installation directory on command line ... ! BackupUsersToTildaDirs: Quiet mode and installation on command line yielded b BackupUsersToTildaDirs: Loud mode and no product is around... set a global flag for the upgrade products to create our backup before modifying the users directory BackupUsersToTildaDirs: Loud mode and no product is around... should also not delete users directory before we get to the upgrade product steps...! C:\VIAVOICE! BackupUsersToTildaDirs: Failed to determine where data could be but found C:\viavoice C:\VIAVOICE\, C:\PROGRA~1\VIAVOICE! BackupUsersToTildaDirs: Failed to determine where data could be but found C:progra~1 iavoice C:\PROGRA~1\VIAVOICE users users$ BackupUsersToTildaDirs: User directory found b so we will determine its contents users_old? users% users_old users$ BackupUsersToTildaDirs: xcopy users dirb to users_old% users_old$ ~users70 BackupUsersToTildaDirs: Found Version 7, ~users52 BackupUsersToTildaDirs: Found Version 5, ~users41 BackupUsersToTildaDirs: Found Version 4, ~users30 BackupUsersToTildaDirs: Found Version 3, BackupUsersToTildaDirs: Found Unknown Version NONE_OR_LATER_VERSION BackupUsersToTildaDirs: No product installed no user directory found ... no luck! NONE_OR_LATER_VERSION( BackupUsersToTildaDirs: Determined to backup users directory to b BackupUsersToTildaDirs: Deleting user directory after backup% users? BackupUsersToTildaDirs: No target for backup was determined.% ~users70 ~users52 ~users41 ~users30 BackupUsersToTildaDirs: Previously existing backups existed. BackupUsersToTildaDirs: No possible backups existed. BackupUsersToTildaDirs: ...exit Function. WVIUDAHC: Entering Function to determine what version users dir is from.% users WVIUDAHC: Found Users Directory.% users WVIUDAHC: Found no users' directories in b WVIUDAHC: Found users' directories in b WVIUDAHC: Searching user b for version info. WVIUDAHC: Skipping the sip user when searching for version info., *.uidR WVIUDAHC: No UID file found for for user b WVIUDAHC: UID file found for for user b Version = 7R Version = 5R Version =R WVIUDAHC: There is no version number determine if it is a three or a four. WVIUDAHC: Version four has a quicktraining while version three does not... quicktrainingR WVIUDAHC: Found quicktraining so this is a version 4!! WVIUDAHC: Checking for reg.reg file!% reg.regRB WVIUDAHC: Found reg.reg file will determine version now% reg.rega viavoiceR WVIUDAHC: Found string viavoice so this must be a 4.0 product.! WVIUDAHC: Did not find string viavoice so this must be a 3.0 product.! WVIUDAHC: No reg.reg file found will guess!% users30 users% users30 ERROR: possbile misidentification of user data... will backup users data to users30...! WVIUDAHC: Users directory search yielded a version of b WVIUDAHC: Users directory could not be found. nWVIUDAHC: Exiting users directory determination function. ProdVTD( ProdVTDLite( ProdVTC( ProdRun( ProdRunControl( ProdVVoice( ProdVVoiceGold( ProdVVoiceMobile( ProdVVoice98Exec( ProdVVoice98Exec( ProdVVoice98Office( ProdVVoice98Home( ProdVVTopicFactory( SOFTWARE\a VoiceType$ Audio$ \Devices\StdMicJackP EnrollSamplingRateA DictationDeviceTypeA MicrophoneA DictationDeviceA AUDMME.DLLA EnrollDeviceTypeA MicrophoneA EnrollDeviceA AudioSetupDeviceTypeA MicrophoneA AudioSetupDeviceA DefaultRecordLevelA 4294967295A AudioDevInfoVersionA AudioSetupDisableRefreshA SOFTWARE\a VoiceType$ Audio$ \Devices\StdMicJack\$ En_UKP DESCRIPTIONTEXTA MicrophoneA SOFTWARE\a VoiceType$ Audio$ \Devices\StdLineInJackP EnrollSamplingRateA DictationDeviceTypeA MicrophoneA DictationDeviceA AUDMME.DLLA EnrollDeviceTypeA LineInA EnrollDeviceA AudioSetupDeviceTypeA LineInA AudioSetupDeviceA DefaultRecordLevelA 4294967295A AudioDevInfoVersionA AudioSetupDisableRefreshA SOFTWARE\a VoiceType$ Audio$ \Devices\StdLineInJack\$ En_UKP DESCRIPTIONTEXTA Line-in deviceA temp\vvdevice.reg$ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\IBM\VOICETYPE\Audio\Devices REGEDIT.EXEb ibmstop.txtRB ProdRunDictatea" %s Installation Pause Message: %s a IBM ViaVoice Dictation Runtimeb InstVtd.Dll( CallVTInvokePgm: invoking (b ) with args ($ CallVTInvokePgm: finished call to b InstVtd.Dll$ CallVTInvokePgm: failed to load b CallVTInvokePgm: invoking (b ) wih args ($ CallVTInvokePgm: finished call to b VTMigratePools: ...end edit( SETUPSTR862R Disk Space0 temp.txt temp.txt In function '%s': Unable to create dialog. Make sure the _ISRES.DLL is in _SYS.CAB. Errorb _sdSIZEa %s-%ldb \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion, \Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion, USER! RegisteredOwner2 RegisteredOrganization2 ISIOSVersionInfoSizeA szISCSDVersion2 SdRegisterUserEx! ResultA szNameA szCompanyA szSerialA SdRegisterUserEx! szNameA szCompanyA szSerialA ResultA SdAskDestPath! ResultA szDirA SdAskDestPath! szDirA ResultA SdWelcome! ResultA SdWelcome! ResultA SdShowInfoList! ResultA SdShowInfoList! ResultA SdSelectFolder! ResultA szFolderA $ / : * ? " < > |* Severe SdSelectFolder! szFolderA ResultA SdShowMsg! SdShowMsg/ _sdRECTa _sdRECTa bottom2 SdLicense! ResultA ResultA SdStartCopy! ResultA ResultA SdFinishReboot! ResultA BootOptionA ResultA BootOptionA ResultA ResultA BootOptionA SdFinish! ResultA bOpt1A bOpt2A ResultA bOpt1A bOpt2A GetModuleHandle/ ShowWindow! SetFocus! GetDlgItem! Enable! SetWindowText! IsWindow! GetWindowRect! WINRECTSTRUCTa origX2 WINRECTSTRUCTa origY2 WINRECTSTRUCTa relX2 WINRECTSTRUCTa relY2 GetClientRect! WINRECTSTRUCTa origX2 WINRECTSTRUCTa origY2 WINRECTSTRUCTa relX2 WINRECTSTRUCTa relY2 SetWindowPos! MoveWindow! PostMessage! InstallShield can not call DLL function: b SOFTWARE\a VoiceType$ Install$ DirectoriesR Base2 function PreInstallChecks : Unable to get registry Base path/ utility.dll CheckForRunningApps: Unable to load utility.dll* Unable to load dllA \bin\ewiz.exe \bin\smart.exe \bin\userwiz.exe \bin\engine.exe \bin\vtperdic.exe \bin\vati.exe \bin\vocabexp.exe utility.dll AppsRunningA Aborting install because there are some applications open Installation was not successfully completed because speech applications were running./ Service Pack b SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstallb DisplayName2 UninstallString2 RTDisplayNameA SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\a IBM ViaVoice Dictation Runtime$ En_UKQ RTDisplayNameA UninstallStringB SOFTWAREa VoiceType% Install% Directories/ Function SetRegistryDirectories : Unable to set paths helpQ HelpA vocabsQ VocabA vocabs\langsQ LangsA vocabs\langs\$ En_UKQ Current LangsA speech\speech.dll VVReadSetupOptions: begin% SETUP.INI' Optionsa EnableUserWizard2P SETUP.INI& Optionsa AudioDeviceDefaultRM StdMicJack SETUP.INI' Optionsa DisableReboot2Q SETUP.INI' Optionsa DisableSoundCheck2U SETUP.INI& Optionsa UserWizardKeyRQ SETUP.INI& Optionsa UserWizardKeyBaseRR SETUP.INI& Optionsa SETUP.INI& Optionsa ShowPlaceVCStartupR SETUP.INI& Optionsa PlaceVCStartupCheckedR SETUP.INI& Optionsa ShowIPLAR SETUP.INI& Startupa AppNameRG SETUP.INI& Optionsa InstallTypeRH /nSRMike( /nSRMike! Mike Sampling Rate Set Via the command line to bY SETUP.INI& DeviceInfoa StdMicJackRY /nSRLine( /nSRLine! LineIn Sampling Rate Set Via the command line to bZ SETUP.INI& DeviceInfoa StdLineInJackRZ SETUP.INI& DeviceInfoa SaveDevicesR\ SETUP.INI& DeviceInfoa DisableDefaultDevicesR[ RecordClient: Entered Funciton Software\IBM_Register Software\IBM\Voicetype\Install\Languages\a En_UK$ \SpeechClientsP szVisibleName2 szMajor2 szMinor2 szUnique2 Software\IBM\Voicetype\Install\Languages\a En_UK$ \SpeechClientsR RecordClient: Existing client counter incremented. RecordClient: New Client Entered. RecordClient: Exited Funciton VerifyClient: begin SOFTWARE\IBM_Register! szVisibleName2 VerifyClient: Found name of client:b szMajor2 VerifyClient: Found major of client:b szMinor2 VerifyClient: Found minor of client:b szUnique2 VerifyClient: Found unique of client:b VerifyClient: Registry set up properly for subinstallation.! VerifyClient: Default user name was not provided by parent Install.! VerifyClient: Registry was not set up properly for sub install. Product using IBM speech did not set up registry correctly before installing. VerifyClient: exit/ StartInstallation: begin StartInstalltion: exit EndInstallaiton: begin EndInstallation: exit SOFTWARE\a VoiceType$ Install$ DirectoriesR Base2 function PreInstallChecks : Unable to get registry Base path/ utility.dll CheckForRunningApps: Unable to load utility.dll* Unable to load dllA \bin\ewiz.exe \bin\smart.exe \bin\userwiz.exe \bin\engine.exe \bin\vtperdic.exe \bin\vati.exe \bin\vocabexp.exe utility.dll AppsRunningA Aborting install because there are some applications open Installation was not successfully completed because speech applications were running./ Service Pack b SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstallb DisplayName2 UninstallString2 RTDisplayNameA SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\a IBM ViaVoice Dictation Runtime$ En_UKQ RTDisplayNameA UninstallStringB SOFTWAREa VoiceType% Install% Directories/ Function SetRegistryDirectories : Unable to set paths helpQ HelpA vocabsQ VocabA vocabs\langsQ LangsA vocabs\langs\$ En_UKQ Current LangsA speech\speech.dll GetOSLevel: WinSystem = b c:winntsystem32 oboex32.dll! c:winntsystem32 oboex32.dlla was locked c:winntsystem32setnote.cpl! c:winntsystem32setnote.cpla was locked c:winntsystem32setresus.dll! c:winntsystem32setresus.dlla was locked c:winntsystem32 vrtkclients.dll! c:winntsystem32 vrtkclients.dlla was locked c:winntsystem32 vrtkreg.dll! c:winntsystem32 vrtkreg.dlla was locked c:ViaVoice in lert.wav! c:ViaVoice in lert.wava was locked c:ViaVoice in atenrus.htm! c:ViaVoice in atenrus.htma was locked c:ViaVoice incomp_tbl.vqf! c:ViaVoice incomp_tbl.vqfa was locked c:ViaVoice indmeus.dtt! c:ViaVoice indmeus.dtta was locked c:ViaVoice inengine.cfg! c:ViaVoice inengine.cfga was locked c:ViaVoice inenrc1us.wav! c:ViaVoice inenrc1us.wava was locked c:ViaVoice inheadset.avi! c:ViaVoice inheadset.avia was locked c:ViaVoice insmart.avi! c:ViaVoice insmart.avia was locked c:ViaVoice insmart.wav! c:ViaVoice insmart.wava was locked c:ViaVoice in ape.avi! c:ViaVoice in ape.avia was locked c:ViaVoice in rainnq.scr! c:ViaVoice in rainnq.scra was locked c:ViaVoice in rainr11.scr! c:ViaVoice in rainr11.scra was locked c:ViaVoice in acompl.wav! c:ViaVoice in acompl.wava was locked c:ViaVoice inziplogs.bat! c:ViaVoice inziplogs.bata was locked c:ViaVoicehelpdmecsus.cnt! c:ViaVoicehelpdmecsus.cnta was locked c:ViaVoicehelpdmecsus.hlp! c:ViaVoicehelpdmecsus.hlpa was locked c:ViaVoicehelpsmartus.hlp! c:ViaVoicehelpsmartus.hlpa was locked c:ViaVoicehelp rainus.cnt! c:ViaVoicehelp rainus.cnta was locked c:ViaVoicehelp rainus.hlp! c:ViaVoicehelp rainus.hlpa was locked c:ViaVoicehelp atius.cnt! c:ViaVoicehelp atius.cnta was locked c:ViaVoicehelp atius.hlp! c:ViaVoicehelp atius.hlpa was locked c:ViaVoicehelp ocabus.cnt! c:ViaVoicehelp ocabus.cnta was locked c:ViaVoicehelp ocabus.hlp! c:ViaVoicehelp ocabus.hlpa was locked c:ViaVoicehelp toptus.cnt! c:ViaVoicehelp toptus.cnta was locked c:ViaVoicehelp toptus.hlp! c:ViaVoicehelp toptus.hlpa was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usen_us.lid! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usen_us.lida was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us t_default.ini! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us t_default.inia was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us ddword cren_us.acr! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us ddword cren_us.acra was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us ddword dwen_us.rst! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us ddword dwen_us.rsta was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us ddword gren_us.bgr! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us ddword gren_us.bgra was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us ddwordclsen_us.cls! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us ddwordclsen_us.clsa was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us ddwordcpben_us.cpb! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us ddwordcpben_us.cpba was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us ddworden_us.pst! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us ddworden_us.psta was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us ddwordl2len_us.l2l! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us ddwordl2len_us.l2la was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us ddwordl2pen_us.l2p! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us ddwordl2pen_us.l2pa was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us ddwordlsqen_us.lsq! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us ddwordlsqen_us.lsqa was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us ddword ulen_us.rul! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us ddword ulen_us.rula was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us ddword reen_us.tre! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us ddword reen_us.trea was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_uscommonen_us.nlu! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_uscommonen_us.nlua was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_uscommonen_us_cd.bpt! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_uscommonen_us_cd.bpta was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_uscommonen_us_i2.bpt! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_uscommonen_us_i2.bpta was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_uscommon unction.wds! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_uscommon unction.wdsa was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_uscommonspeldic3.pbc! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_uscommonspeldic3.pbca was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_uscommonspeldic3.spc! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_uscommonspeldic3.spca was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmacros llus.dct! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmacros llus.dcta was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmigratecstartus.wrf! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmigratecstartus.wrfa was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmigratemigilm.tid! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmigratemigilm.tida was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmigratemigilm.vid! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmigratemigilm.vida was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmigratemigus.pst! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmigratemigus.psta was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgencus.aid! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgencus.aida was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus.aid! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus.aida was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsphones_c.smp! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsphones_c.smpa was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsphones_c.spe! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsphones_c.spea was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgenduscont_cd.rpr! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgenduscont_cd.rpra was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgenduscont_cd.rta! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgenduscont_cd.rtaa was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgenduscont_cd.rtr! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgenduscont_cd.rtra was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusenrollid.mnr! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusenrollid.mnra was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusen_us_cd.a2a! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusen_us_cd.a2aa was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusen_us_cd.p2a! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusen_us_cd.p2aa was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusen_us_cd.que! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusen_us_cd.quea was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusen_us_cd.qut! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusen_us_cd.quta was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusen_us_cd.tro! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusen_us_cd.troa was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusen_us_ns.p2a! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusen_us_ns.p2aa was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus.lda! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus.ldaa was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus.mat! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus.mata was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus0.b0! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus0.b0a was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus0.j0! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus0.j0a was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus0.l0! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus0.l0a was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus0.n0! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus0.n0a was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus0.q0! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus0.q0a was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus0.r0! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus0.r0a was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus1.b0! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus1.b0a was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus1.j0! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus1.j0a was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus1.l0! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus1.l0a was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus1.n0! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus1.n0a was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus1.q0! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus1.q0a was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus1.r0! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus1.r0a was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus2.b0! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus2.b0a was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus2.j0! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus2.j0a was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus2.l0! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus2.l0a was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus2.n0! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus2.n0a was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus2.q0! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus2.q0a was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus2.r0! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus2.r0a was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus3.b0! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus3.b0a was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus3.j0! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus3.j0a was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus3.l0! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus3.l0a was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus3.n0! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus3.n0a was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus3.q0! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus3.q0a was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus3.r0! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus3.r0a was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus4.b0! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus4.b0a was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus4.j0! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus4.j0a was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus4.l0! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus4.l0a was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus4.n0! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus4.n0a was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus4.q0! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus4.q0a was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus4.r0! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusgendus4.r0a was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusspesil.ref! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendusspesil.refa was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus11cont_cd.rpr! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus11cont_cd.rpra was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus11cont_cd.rta! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus11cont_cd.rtaa was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus11cont_cd.rtr! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus11cont_cd.rtra was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus11enrollid.mnr! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus11enrollid.mnra was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus11en_us_cd.a2a! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus11en_us_cd.a2aa was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus11en_us_cd.p2a! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus11en_us_cd.p2aa was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus11en_us_cd.que! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus11en_us_cd.quea was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus11en_us_cd.qut! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus11en_us_cd.quta was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus11en_us_cd.tro! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus11en_us_cd.troa was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus11gendus.b0! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus11gendus.b0a was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus11gendus.j0! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus11gendus.j0a was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus11gendus.l0! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus11gendus.l0a was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus11gendus.n0! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus11gendus.n0a was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus11gendus.q0! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus11gendus.q0a was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus11gendus.r0! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus11gendus.r0a was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus11spesil11.ref! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus11spesil11.refa was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus8enrollid.mnr! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus8enrollid.mnra was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus8enusc08d.a2a! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus8enusc08d.a2aa was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus8enusc08d.p2a! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus8enusc08d.p2aa was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus8enusc08d.que! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus8enusc08d.quea was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus8enusc08d.qut! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus8enusc08d.quta was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus8enusc08d.rpr! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus8enusc08d.rpra was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus8enusc08d.rta! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus8enusc08d.rtaa was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus8enusc08d.rtr! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus8enusc08d.rtra was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus8enusc08d.tro! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus8enusc08d.troa was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus8gendus.b0! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus8gendus.b0a was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus8gendus.j0! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus8gendus.j0a was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus8gendus.l0! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus8gendus.l0a was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus8gendus.n0! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus8gendus.n0a was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus8gendus.q0! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus8gendus.q0a was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus8gendus.r0! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usmodelsgendus8gendus.r0a was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us ewuserenrollid.eid! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us ewuserenrollid.eida was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_uspoolsw95nav.bof! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_uspoolsw95nav.bofa was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_uspoolsw95nav.pbc! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_uspoolsw95nav.pbca was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_uspoolsw95nav.pof! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_uspoolsw95nav.pofa was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_uspoolsw95nav.pol! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_uspoolsw95nav.pola was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_uspoolsw95nav.sof! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_uspoolsw95nav.sofa was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_uspoolsw95nav.spe! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_uspoolsw95nav.spea was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptscb1.scr! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptscb1.scra was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptscw1.scr! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptscw1.scra was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptscw2.scr! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptscw2.scra was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsgu2.scr! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsgu2.scra was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsgub.scr! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsgub.scra was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsgud.scr! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsgud.scra was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsmib.scr! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsmib.scra was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsmic.scr! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsmic.scra was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscripts r2.scr! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscripts r2.scra was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscripts rb.scr! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscripts rb.scra was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscripts rs.scr! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscripts rs.scra was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsuns.scr! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsuns.scra was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatasiginfo.rtf! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatasiginfo.rtfa was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendusgendus.buc! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendusgendus.buca was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendusgendus.cpf! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendusgendus.cpfa was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendusgendus.cpl! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendusgendus.cpla was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendusgendus.cpp! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendusgendus.cppa was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendusgendus.nod! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendusgendus.noda was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendusgendus.nqm! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendusgendus.nqma was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendusgendus.nqv! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendusgendus.nqva was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendusgendus.rdc! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendusgendus.rdca was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendusgendus.rst! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendusgendus.rsta was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendusgendus.trn! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendusgendus.trna was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendusgendus1.atm! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendusgendus1.atma was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendusgendus1.vqa! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendusgendus1.vqaa was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendusgendus1.vqm! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendusgendus1.vqma was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendusgendus2.atm! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendusgendus2.atma was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendusgendus2.vqa! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendusgendus2.vqaa was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendusgendus2.vqm! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendusgendus2.vqma was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendusgendus3.atm! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendusgendus3.atma was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendusgendus3.vqa! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendusgendus3.vqaa was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendusgendus3.vqm! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendusgendus3.vqma was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendusgendus4.atm! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendusgendus4.atma was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendusgendus4.vqa! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendusgendus4.vqaa was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendusgendus4.vqm! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendusgendus4.vqma was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendus11gendus.atm! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendus11gendus.atma was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendus11gendus.buc! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendus11gendus.buca was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendus11gendus.cpf! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendus11gendus.cpfa was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendus11gendus.cpl! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendus11gendus.cpla was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendus11gendus.cpp! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendus11gendus.cppa was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendus11gendus.nod! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendus11gendus.noda was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendus11gendus.nqm! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendus11gendus.nqma was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendus11gendus.nqv! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendus11gendus.nqva was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendus11gendus.rdc! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendus11gendus.rdca was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendus11gendus.rst! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendus11gendus.rsta was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendus11gendus.tie! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendus11gendus.tiea was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendus11gendus11.trn! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendus11gendus11.trna was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendus8gendus.atm! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendus8gendus.atma was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendus8gendus.buc! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendus8gendus.buca was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendus8gendus.cpf! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendus8gendus.cpfa was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendus8gendus.cpl! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendus8gendus.cpla was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendus8gendus.cpp! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendus8gendus.cppa was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendus8gendus.nod! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendus8gendus.noda was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendus8gendus.rdc! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendus8gendus.rdca was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendus8gendus.rst! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendus8gendus.rsta was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendus8gendus.tie! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendus8gendus.tiea was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendus8gendus8.trn! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_usscriptsdatagendus8gendus8.trna was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscstartus.tid! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscstartus.tida was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us asksenrollcw.tid! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us asksenrollcw.tida was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us asks avus.tid! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us asks avus.tida was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscspelluscspellus.vid! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscspelluscspellus.vida was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscspellusspell.bof! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscspellusspell.bofa was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscspellusspell.fmc! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscspellusspell.fmca was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscspellusspell.lam! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscspellusspell.lama was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscspellusspell.lmc! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscspellusspell.lmca was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscspellusspell.lmg! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscspellusspell.lmga was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscspellusspell.pbc! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscspellusspell.pbca was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscspellusspell.pof! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscspellusspell.pofa was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscspellusspell.spe! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscspellusspell.spea was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscspellusspell.spm! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscspellusspell.spma was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscspellusspell.tlb! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscspellusspell.tlba was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscspellusspell.tlf! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscspellusspell.tlfa was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscspellusspell.tlu! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscspellusspell.tlua was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscspellusspell.tmc! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscspellusspell.tmca was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscspellusspell.tum! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscspellusspell.tuma was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscspellusspell.vof! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscspellusspell.vofa was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscstartuscstartus.bof! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscstartuscstartus.bofa was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscstartuscstartus.exl! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscstartuscstartus.exla was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscstartuscstartus.fmc! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscstartuscstartus.fmca was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscstartuscstartus.pbc! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscstartuscstartus.pbca was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscstartuscstartus.pof! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscstartuscstartus.pofa was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscstartuscstartus.sof! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscstartuscstartus.sofa was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscstartuscstartus.spe! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscstartuscstartus.spea was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscstartuscstartus.spm! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscstartuscstartus.spma was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscstartuscstartus.tlb! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscstartuscstartus.tlba was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscstartuscstartus.tlf! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscstartuscstartus.tlfa was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscstartuscstartus.tlu! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscstartuscstartus.tlua was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscstartuscstartus.vid! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscstartuscstartus.vida was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscstartuscstartus.vof! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscstartuscstartus.vofa was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscstartusss64k.lam! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscstartusss64k.lama was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscstartusss64k.lmc! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscstartusss64k.lmca was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscstartusss64k.lmg! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscstartusss64k.lmga was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscstartusss64k.tmc! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscstartusss64k.tmca was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscstartusss64k.tum! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us askscstartusss64k.tuma was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us asksenrollcenrollcw.bof! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us asksenrollcenrollcw.bofa was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us asksenrollcenrollcw.pbc! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us asksenrollcenrollcw.pbca was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us asksenrollcenrollcw.pof! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us asksenrollcenrollcw.pofa was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us asksenrollcenrollcw.pol! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us asksenrollcenrollcw.pola was locked c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us asksenrollcenrollcw.spe! c:ViaVoice ocabs\langsen_us asksenrollcenrollcw.spea was locked c:ViaVoice indictmacr.dll! c:ViaVoice indictmacr.dlla was locked c:ViaVoice insrwrap.dll! c:ViaVoice insrwrap.dlla was locked c:ViaVoice in vsapext.dll! c:ViaVoice in vsapext.dlla was locked c:ViaVoice in daptnq.exe! c:ViaVoice in daptnq.exea was locked c:ViaVoice in dioxprt.dll! c:ViaVoice in dioxprt.dlla was locked c:ViaVoice in dwmig.exe! c:ViaVoice in dwmig.exea was locked c:ViaVoice in md_kern.dll! c:ViaVoice in md_kern.dlla was locked c:ViaVoice in uddevsn.dll! c:ViaVoice in uddevsn.dlla was locked c:ViaVoice in udlans.dll! c:ViaVoice in udlans.dlla was locked c:ViaVoice in udmig.exe! c:ViaVoice in udmig.exea was locked c:ViaVoice in udmme.dll! c:ViaVoice in udmme.dlla was locked c:ViaVoice incgenmdus.dll! c:ViaVoice incgenmdus.dlla was locked c:ViaVoice incgunther.exe! c:ViaVoice incgunther.exea was locked c:ViaVoice inclegalus.dll! c:ViaVoice inclegalus.dlla was locked c:ViaVoice incnvcach2.exe! c:ViaVoice incnvcach2.exea was locked c:ViaVoice inconvordr.exe! c:ViaVoice inconvordr.exea was locked c:ViaVoice incuadapt3.exe! c:ViaVoice incuadapt3.exea was locked c:ViaVoice incuparsus.dll! c:ViaVoice incuparsus.dlla was locked c:ViaVoice indmapi.dll! c:ViaVoice indmapi.dlla was locked c:ViaVoice indmapi_us.dll! c:ViaVoice indmapi_us.dlla was locked c:ViaVoice indme.exe! c:ViaVoice indme.exea was locked c:ViaVoice indme_us.dll! c:ViaVoice indme_us.dlla was locked c:ViaVoice inengine.exe! c:ViaVoice inengine.exea was locked c:ViaVoice inenrmig.exe! c:ViaVoice inenrmig.exea was locked c:ViaVoice inenrmigus.dll! c:ViaVoice inenrmigus.dlla was locked c:ViaVoice inenroll.exe! c:ViaVoice inenroll.exea was locked c:ViaVoice inewiz.exe! c:ViaVoice inewiz.exea was locked c:ViaVoice inewizus.dll! c:ViaVoice inewizus.dlla was locked c:ViaVoice inexprots.exe! c:ViaVoice inexprots.exea was locked c:ViaVoice inexprots2.exe! c:ViaVoice inexprots2.exea was locked c:ViaVoice in nadpr.exe! c:ViaVoice in nadpr.exea was locked c:ViaVoice inibmsnqa.dll! c:ViaVoice inibmsnqa.dlla was locked c:ViaVoice ininitrl3.exe! c:ViaVoice ininitrl3.exea was locked c:ViaVoice inmaclist.exe! c:ViaVoice inmaclist.exea was locked c:ViaVoice inmacmigra.exe! c:ViaVoice inmacmigra.exea was locked c:ViaVoice inmigilm.dll! c:ViaVoice inmigilm.dlla was locked c:ViaVoice inmigpkg.exe! c:ViaVoice inmigpkg.exea was locked c:ViaVoice inmigpools.exe! c:ViaVoice inmigpools.exea was locked c:ViaVoice inmiguser.exe! c:ViaVoice inmiguser.exea was locked c:ViaVoice inmigus_us.dll! c:ViaVoice inmigus_us.dlla was locked c:ViaVoice inmigutils.dll! c:ViaVoice inmigutils.dlla was locked c:ViaVoice inmigut_us.dll! c:ViaVoice inmigut_us.dlla was locked c:ViaVoice in lformus.dll! c:ViaVoice in lformus.dlla was locked c:ViaVoice inparseapi.dll! c:ViaVoice inparseapi.dlla was locked c:ViaVoice inparsubus.dll! c:ViaVoice inparsubus.dlla was locked c:ViaVoice inpkzip25.exe! c:ViaVoice inpkzip25.exea was locked c:ViaVoice inprotsmth.exe! c:ViaVoice inprotsmth.exea was locked c:ViaVoice in egexp.dll! c:ViaVoice in egexp.dlla was locked c:ViaVoice insapihook.dll! c:ViaVoice insapihook.dlla was locked c:ViaVoice insapimon.exe! c:ViaVoice insapimon.exea was locked c:ViaVoice insapresus.dll! c:ViaVoice insapresus.dlla was locked c:ViaVoice insmapi.dll! c:ViaVoice insmapi.dlla was locked c:ViaVoice insmart.exe! c:ViaVoice insmart.exea was locked c:ViaVoice insmartus.dll! c:ViaVoice insmartus.dlla was locked c:ViaVoice insnwave.exe! c:ViaVoice insnwave.exea was locked c:ViaVoice inspadi10.dll! c:ViaVoice inspadi10.dlla was locked c:ViaVoice insrobj.dll! c:ViaVoice insrobj.dlla was locked c:ViaVoice in rnscr11.exe! c:ViaVoice in rnscr11.exea was locked c:ViaVoice in rnscrnq.exe! c:ViaVoice in rnscrnq.exea was locked c:ViaVoice in word_us.dll! c:ViaVoice in word_us.dlla was locked c:ViaVoice inuidutils.dll! c:ViaVoice inuidutils.dlla was locked c:ViaVoice inupdctl.exe! c:ViaVoice inupdctl.exea was locked c:ViaVoice inupdtl3.exe! c:ViaVoice inupdtl3.exea was locked c:ViaVoice inupdtqprt.exe! c:ViaVoice inupdtqprt.exea was locked c:ViaVoice inuserwiz.exe! c:ViaVoice inuserwiz.exea was locked c:ViaVoice inuserwus.dll! c:ViaVoice inuserwus.dlla was locked c:ViaVoice inuvocab.dll! c:ViaVoice inuvocab.dlla was locked c:ViaVoice in ati.exe! c:ViaVoice in ati.exea was locked c:ViaVoice in atius.dll! c:ViaVoice in atius.dlla was locked c:ViaVoice in ex.dll! c:ViaVoice in ex.dlla was locked c:ViaVoice in ex_us.dll! c:ViaVoice in ex_us.dlla was locked c:ViaVoice in ocabexp.exe! c:ViaVoice in ocabexp.exea was locked c:ViaVoice in otespkr.exe! c:ViaVoice in otespkr.exea was locked c:ViaVoice in pdus.dll! c:ViaVoice in pdus.dlla was locked c:ViaVoice in tbnfc31.dll! c:ViaVoice in tbnfc31.dlla was locked c:ViaVoice in tcommon.dll! c:ViaVoice in tcommon.dlla was locked c:ViaVoice in tcresus.dll! c:ViaVoice in tcresus.dlla was locked c:ViaVoice in tdft16.dll! c:ViaVoice in tdft16.dlla was locked c:ViaVoice in tdft32.dll! c:ViaVoice in tdft32.dlla was locked c:ViaVoice in tdmw.dll! c:ViaVoice in tdmw.dlla was locked c:ViaVoice in tlocale.dll! c:ViaVoice in tlocale.dlla was locked c:ViaVoice in tperdic.exe! c:ViaVoice in tperdic.exea was locked c:ViaVoice in unus.exe! c:ViaVoice in unus.exea was locked c:ViaVoice in v70u_us.dll! c:ViaVoice in v70u_us.dlla was locked c:ViaVoice in vrtkutl.dll! c:ViaVoice in vrtkutl.dlla was locked c:ViaVoice in vsnlk.dll! c:ViaVoice in vsnlk.dlla was locked c:ViaVoice in vsnlkus.dll! c:ViaVoice in vsnlkus.dlla was locked c:ViaVoice inwdcnvrt.dll! c:ViaVoice inwdcnvrt.dlla was locked c:winntsystem32mfc42.dll! c:winntsystem32mfc42.dlla was locked c:winntsystem32msvcirt.dll! c:winntsystem32msvcirt.dlla was locked c:winntsystem32msvcp60.dll! c:winntsystem32msvcp60.dlla was locked c:winntsystem32msvcrt.dll! c:winntsystem32msvcrt.dlla was locked Winsys VersionA VVCheckSpace: b bytes. VVCheckSpace: installing on non-system disk VVCheckSpace: Target disk (b ) has only $ bytes ! There is not enough space available on the %s disk. Space Required: %ld Mbytes ( %ld bytes ) To install this product you must free an additional %ld Mbytes ( %ld bytes ) of space on this disk. Please free up some space or change the target location to a different disk., There is not enough space available on the %s disk. Space Required: %ld Mbytes ( %ld bytes ) To install this product you must free an additional %ld Mbytes ( %ld bytes ) of space on this disk. Please free up some space and run Setup again. VVCheckSpace: must free : b Setupb There is not enough space available on the Windows system disk %s. Space Required: %ld Mbytes ( %ld bytes ) To install this product you must free an additional %ld Mbytes ( %ld bytes ) of space on this disk. Please free up some space and run Setup again.$ NOTE: The above requirement represents temporary disk space needed to complete this installation in addition to actual disk space used by this product. VVCheckSpace: insufficient space on WINDISK b VVCheckSpace: must free : b Setupb VVCheckSpace: installing on system disk There is not enough space available on the %s disk. Space Required: %ld Mbytes ( %ld bytes ) To install this product you must free an additional %ld Mbytes ( %ld bytes ) of space on this disk. Please free up some space or change the target location to a different disk., There is not enough space available on the %s disk. Space Required: %ld Mbytes ( %ld bytes ) To install this product you must free an additional %ld Mbytes ( %ld bytes ) of space on this disk. Please free up some space and run Setup again. VVCheckSpace: insufficient space on TargetDisk b VVCheckSpace: must free : b Setupb Installation was not successfully completed because more disk space is needed. VTDetectTargetDirProblems: Checking Target Directory b rotest.txt! rotest.txt! VTDetectTargetDirProblems: Target Directory b was read only! VTDetectTargetDirProblems: Could write to target b rotest.txt VTDetectTargetDirProblems: Could write to target b rotest.txt VTDetectTargetDirProblems: Testing Target Drive b agianst $ VTDetectTargetDirProblems: Target Directory b was a root of a drive! \Program Files\ViaVoice\$ VTDetectTargetDirProblems: Target Directory b changed surreptiously to $ VTDetectTargetDirProblems: Exiting function/ VVGetUsers: begin. Path(b VTGetUsersToMigrate: No Users found to migrate. Exit with a FALSE! VVGetUsers: ignore sip users since we do not support them! calling VVGetAttrValueFromFile b , Name NameR adding user name to lvUserNames b adding user name to lvUserDirs b VVGetUserInfo: begin. target(b ) UserName($ users# VVGetUserInfo: Invalid parms: user name must be specified/ ERROR_NOTHING_FOUND( VVGetUserInfo: ERROR_NOTHING_FOUND provided... will attempt to find UserID for b VVGetUserInfo: Pulled the user name from user name listb VVGetUserInfo: Pulled the user id from the user id list b VVGetUserInfo: In Loop searching for b and have $ VVGetUserInfo: In Loop found b VVGetUserInfo: (SEVERE) failed to get lists of users to process VVGetUserInfo: exit could not find user Default_TaskidR VVGetUserInfo: Attempted to retrieve default Taskid and got:b Default_EnrollidR VVGetUserInfo: exit/ VVGetAttrValueFromFile: begin.$ VVGetAttrValueFromFile: Parms: szUID(b ) szAttr($ users% Grep going for b in file $ VVGetAttrValueFromFile: file does not have attribute (not a valid userid) VVGetAttrValueFromFile: parsing line (b VVGetAttrValueFromFile: error getting value for attr, VVGetAttrValueFromFile: path(b ) file($ ) attr($ ) value($ VVGetAttrValueFromFile: exit. return(b VTResetReadOnlyAttributeOnUsersFiles: begin... Target = b users VTResetReadOnlyAttributeOnUsersFiles: No Users found., VTResetReadOnlyAttributeOnUsersFiles: Users found... VTResetReadOnlyAttributeOnUsersFiles: ...end en_us( US English, fr_fr( French, pt_br( Portuguese, gr_gr( German, es_es( Spanish, it_it( Italian, en_uk( British, ja_jp( Japanese, zh_tw( Traditional Chinese, zh_cn( Simplified Chinese, Unknown Language 7. XXXXXXX : Installation Info Finished. VTPerformMigration2: begin... PerformMigration2: Thou shalt not overwrite a later version... exit/ VTPerformMigration2: Determining what we are migrating from if anything...! users VTPerformMigration2: Found a users directory... try and get information from it. VTPerformMigration2: Information in directory yielded b InstVtd.Dll VTPerformMigration2: Telling user that migration is starting... Searching for previous users ...A VTPerformMigration2: Migrating Language models... VTPerformMigration2: Language models were not migrated... users Searching for previous users ...A VTPerformMigration2: User found to migrate b Migrating user %s ...b VTPerformMigration2: User information (ID = b ) (DIR = $ ) NAME = ($ users% VTPerformMigration2: User directory exists...( VTPerformMigration2: invoking VTMigrateUserDictationMacros... VTPerformMigration2: invoking VTMigrateUserAddWords... VTPerformMigration2: invoking VTMigrateUserCache... VTPerformMigration2: invoking VTMigrateUserAddWordsJ... VTPerformMigration2: invoking VTMigrateUserEnrollIDs... IBM ViaVoice Dictation RuntimeaR Some users may not be migrated because migration of discrete data is not possible. VTPerformMigration2: discrete enrollments found... Setupa Setup will not migrate user %s. This user's voice model may be: 1) from a product using discrete dictation. 2) from a newer product. 3) corrupt and unusable.b VTPerformMigration2: user directory not found VTPerformMigration2: deleting information about migration in registry... becuase it was completed. SOFTWARE\a VoiceType$ Install$ Generalf MigrationInProcessf MigratedProductf DefaultUseridf DefaultEnrollidf DefaultTaskidf DefaultUserName Searching for previous users ...A VTPerformMigration2: New installations or installaitons over 3.0 products may need code to go here instead of migration. VTPerformMigration2: ...end 7. XXXXXXX : Installation Info Finished. VTMigrateUserEnrollIDs: begin...% enrmig.exe$ \Vocabs\Langs\% En_UK$ VTMigrateUserEnrollIDs: ...finished 8. XXXXXXX : Installation Info Finished. VTMigrateUserDictationMacros: begin% macmigra.exe start%LL% en_us! .dwm, en_us! VTMigrateUserDictationMacros: found matching language$ .dwm@ VTMigrateUserDictationMacros: migrating macros .dct% -i b -o $ .act@ .dct% -i b -o $ VTMigrateUserDictationMacros: ...end 9. XXXXXXX : Installation Info Finished. VTMigrateUserAddWords: begin...% adwmig.exe% \Vocabs\Langs\% En_UK% \migrate% \Vocabs\Langs\% En_UK% \tasks@ cs*.tidR En_UKa .adp@ VTMigrateUserAddWords: Added words found. Invoking add word migration ... .adp% En_UK$ VTMigrateUserAddWords: ...end 10. XXXXXXX : Installation Info Finished. VTMigrateUserCache: begin...% cnvcach2.exe% \Vocabs\langs% En_UK% \Vocabs\Langs\% En_UK% \tasks c*.tidR VTMigrateUserCache: Found continuous cache b c*.tidR VTMigrateUserCache: Invoking cache migration ... for b VTMigrateUserCache: Deleting usersXusersX% users\XusersX? VTMigrateUserCache: Creating usersXusersX% users\XusersX users\XusersX$ VTMigrateUserCache: Calling b users\XusersX VTMigrateUserCache: Copying b InstVtd.Dll InstVtd.Dll users\XusersX? VTMigrateUserCache: ...end 11. XXXXXXX : Installation Info Finished. VTSelectUsersToMigrate: begin... VTSelectUsersToMigrate: user: b VTSelectUsersToMigrate: ...end/ 12. XXXXXXX : Installation Info Finished. VTGetUsersToMigrate: begin ... En_UK VTGetUsersToMigrate: No Users found to migrate. Exit with a FALSE! VTGetUsersToMigrate: Users found to migrate... VTGetUsersToMigrate: processing user b VTGetUsersToMigrate: Found the sip user and will not continue... ! *.eidR VTGetUsersToMigrate: Looking for enrollment files for this user... ( VTGetUsersToMigrate: no enrollment files for user b they are not going get migrated. VTGetUsersToMigrate: Found enrollment files for user b need to see if they are for this language. VTGetUsersToMigrate: Is it for this language. LanguageR VTGetUsersToMigrate: Looking at language line... VTGetUsersToMigrate: found language line... VTGetUsersToMigrate: enrollment is for this language...! *.eidR VTGetUsersToMigrate: User b was not enrolled for this language! VTGetUsersToMigrate: User b was enrolled for this language NameR VTGetUsersToMigrate: No name Found name for b VTGetUsersToMigrate: Found name for b it is $ VTGetUsersToMigrate: Add the user to the end of our lists VTGetUsersToMigrate: end .../ 13. XXXXXXX : Installation Info Finished. En_UK startxxy Vocabs\Langs% En_UK% bin\cnvcachj.exeZ InstVtd.Dll VTMigrateUserAddWordsJ: Param = b VTMigrateLanguageModels: begin ... not traced really well for now.% vocabs\langs\% En_UK[ migrate\migilm.tid[ migrate\migilm.vid[ migpkg.exe% InstVtd.Dll vocabs% langs% En_UK% tasks$ VTMigrateLanguageModels: Identify all ILMs on system (at b *.tidR VTMigrateLanguageModels: found task b grammar( cstart( enroll( walkup( cssv2( cssv3( cedv( cmic1( Migrating %s language model ...b VTMigrateLanguageModels: migrating ILM b VTMigrateLanguageModels: Invoking program: b VTMigrateLanguageModels: args: b Setupa4 INS0022: Migration of %s language model failed (%i).b *.tidR VTMigrateLanguageModels: end ... not traced really well for now. 16. XXXXXXX : Installation Info Finished. VTMigratePools: begin... % InstVtd.Dll migpools.exe$ /L a En_UK$ VTMigratePools: Invoking program: b VTMigratePools: args: b VTMigratePools: ... end VTDoesUserExistForCurrentLanguage: enter function... En_UK$ VTDoesUserExistForCurrentLanguage: Looking for b under $ *.eidR VTDoesUserExistForCurrentLanguage: found file b in Directory $ VTDoesUserExistForCurrentLanguage: found b in file $ VTDoesUserExistForCurrentLanguage: ...exiting funciton VTDoesUserExistForCurrentLanguage: setting g_ENRFILE_NAME_FOR_CURRENT: b^ Did not find string b in file $ *.eidR VTDoesUserExistForCurrentLanguage: Failed to find b ... exiting funciton VTDoesUserExistForCurrentLanguage: ...exiting funciton/ DoReallyWellPlannedOutThing: enter function b En_UK# en_us( DoReallyWellPlannedOutThing: US Detected Leave, fr_fr( DoReallyWellPlannedOutThing: FR Detected% cssv3fr.dct DoReallyWellPlannedOutThing: CSSV3FR found... return/ cssv2fr.dct DoReallyWellPlannedOutThing: CSSV2FR found... work required cssv2fr.dcta cssv3fr.dct DoReallyWellPlannedOutThing: exit/ cssv1fr.dct DoReallyWellPlannedOutThing: CSSV1FR found... work required cssv1fr.dcta cssv3fr.dct DoReallyWellPlannedOutThing: exit/ en_uk( DoReallyWellPlannedOutThing: UK Detected% cssv4uk.dct DoReallyWellPlannedOutThing: cssv4uk found... return/ cssv3uk.dct DoReallyWellPlannedOutThing: cssv3uk found... work required cssv3uk.dcta cssv4uk.dct DoReallyWellPlannedOutThing: exit/ cssvfuk.dct DoReallyWellPlannedOutThing: cssvfuk found... work required cssvfuk.dcta cssv4uk.dct DoReallyWellPlannedOutThing: exit/ Warning do not ship this without fixing last funciton in migrate.rul for a En_UK* SetDefaultTask: exiting ... b_ SetNewDefault: entered function...b SetNewDefault: starting ERROR_NOTHING_FOUND( SOFTWARE\a VoiceType$ Install$ Languages$ En_UKQ DefaultUseridA DefaultEnrollidA DefaultTaskidA DefaultUserNameA ERROR_NOTHING_FOUNDb) valdtusr.exe$ SetNewDefault: Creating RunOnce: b valdtusr.exe$ SetNewDefault: ...exiting function LastTry: ...exiting function! usrMil._mp! LastTry: ...could not open file to write to a usrMil._mp users% .uid$ LastTry: ...could not open read from b LastTry: ...Got Line b Default_Taskid( LastTry: ...Wrote Line b en_us( Default_Taskid = cstartus LastTry: ...put us task , fr_fr( Default_Taskid = cssv3fr LastTry: ...put fr task , en_uk( Default_Taskid = cssv4uk LastTry: ...put uk task , Fix your language here asdfghjklA LAST TRY: Closed Files users% LAST TRY: Deleted Original users% usrMil._mpb REPLACED WITH ORIGINAL: Deleted Original usrMil._mp LAST TRY: DELETE TEMP CreateNewUser: entering function... Setupa? Creating a new user %s failed because this user already exists.b? Setupa Creating a new user %s failed.b? CreateNewUser: entering function... En_UK# en_us( cstartus, fr_fr( cssv3fr, en_uk( cssv4uk, Warning do not ship this without fixing last funciton in setup.rul for a En_UK* SetDefaultTask: exiting ... b_ 5.00.000